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SALAA Roll of Excellence

Several individuals involved with the Ingle Farm Little Athletics Centre have been inducted into SALAA's Roll of Excellence. Currently, this includes three ranks.


The Merit Award, first awarded in 1987/88 recognises those who have performed a minimum of four years of high meritorious service at Club and Association level. A maximum of ten are awarded each year.


Distinguished Merit Awards, first awarded in 1987/88 recognises those who have performed a minimum of five years of extra meritorious service at Association level.


SALAA Life Membership, first awarded in 1975/76 recognises those who have, for at least ten years, given exceptional services in the interest of Little Athletics in South Australia. At least five of those years must have been at Association level. Currently, no one from Ingle Farm has received a SALAA Life Membership.




State Relay Championships Trophies

In addition to individual team, SALAA also rank the overall performances of the Centres against each other, for two club-level Trophies.


The Pam Sard Champion Centre trophy is awarded based on the position of track teams that make the finals of their event. The Lou Moyes Most Improved Centre trophy is awarded to the club with the biggest increase to their score from the previous season.


If you know any of the information missing from the above table, please let us know.



Most Sundays September - March

Bridgestone Athletics Centre,

Frost Road, Salisbury South

Please arrive for a 9:00 start.

Please check the calendar for dates and locations.



September - March

Golding Oval, Redhill Road, Para Vista

Tuesdays 5:00-6:00 pm

Thursdays 5:00-6:00 pm

Please check Facebook for cancellations.


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Website designed and maintained by Liam Sanders.

PO Box 142, Ingle Farm, 5098


Last Updated: 16th February 2025

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